Monday, April 11, 2016

Sister Seay and the Terrible, No Good, Very Bad Week

Hello friends and family well I am happy to report that if you are reading this I survived probably the worst week of my mission by far haha. Everything that could have gone wrong went wrong. But I survived and I'm eternally grateful for a new week.

Monday: Preparation day was  average as every week but I did try some authentic Thai food and that was super good so I guess I can't make fun of my mom and her weird pad tai or whatever those weird noodles she eats are. We had our lesson with our family again but still no intense lesson because we had a great lesson about what they watched at general conference. I love hearing what stood out to different people and the answers they received. Also our shower broke this morning so that was fun and it won't be fixed till Sunday night..... Hooray? Haha

Tuesday: So today was transfers but since we were staying we went down to Coney Island to do some look ups there. But here is where the week absolutely awful.... So we parked the car and quickly ran across the street to see if someone lived there and not even 10 minutes later we come back and our car was GONE! After frantically questioning if we really parked there someone told us our car got towed! So we had to walk all the way to the tow yard and then pay a $136 towing fine but that's not all. So our mission vehicle card wasn't allowed to be used since it had to be under sister Provards name but then when she gave them her debit card it was declined and couldn't accept anymore credit
cards.... So we had to walk to an ATM to get cash and then we were finally able to get our car. But yes we got towed and it was awful yet hilarious at the same time. Then we finally were able to go have a lesson with our investigator and guess what! Her boyfriend joined us for the lesson and he was discussing the missionaries that baptized him and turns out he is the husband of Kelly Barber who babysat me and my sisters growing up! Small world!!

Wednesday: So this morning we went to teach our investigator who has been meeting with the missionaries for a really long time and we decided to ask her the baptismal questions because she says she's ready to be baptized but we wanted to make sure there weren't any other concerns.... There were. So we asked her if she believed in Joseph smith and if he really saw God and Jesus Christ and she said she didn't know. But then we ask her if she believed if Thomas s. Monson was a prophet and she said yes. So if that makes sense to any of you let me know because it literally makes no sense to us. We tried explaining how Thomas s. Monson couldn't be a prophet without Joseph smith being a prophet. But she really believes in president Monson and not Joseph smith so we will see what happens there haha. Then we had district meeting which was really good then we booked it down to fort green for service :) service was probably the only thing that kept me sane this week haha. Then our so called "golden investigator" texted us and said she didn't believe us anymore or want to listen to us because she doesn't believe in God but only in Jesus Christ. Who even knows but she gone now and that totally sucked. BUT our investigator randomly called us just to tell us she missed us, and it hadn't even been a week since we saw her last haha she's so cute :)

Thursday: Guess what!! So while we were weekly planning we couldn't remember where we parked the car so we quickly ran out to our car and we forgot about the street sweeps and we are lucky winners of a brand new PARKING TICKET!! Kill me. Needless to say we've had to make a few calls to the senior couples in the mission office this week haha they couldn't stop laughing at us. The rest of the day we went and visited a less active member and got to chat with her since she's been having a really hard time lately. It took us forever to get her attention though to answer the door!! Her deaf doorbell wasn't working so see the video below of how we get deaf people's attention haha it took of us minutes of doing that till she answered the door. Deaf problems.

Friday: We had service at the senior center once again and it was amazing and really busy. There were so many people to help! After wards we went down to Wall st. To meet a less active member and we were able to have a great lesson with her about president Monson general conference talk on choices. We were able to have a great discussion and she's had so many blessing in her life lately now we're just trying to get her to come back to church regularly. Then our beloved zone leaders called us and needed a favor (to use our car of course) because they had a lot of supplies and packages and couldn't take it all with them on the subway. But then we got stuck in SO MUCH TRAFFIC on the way to their church so we spent our entire night stuck in New York traffic. Ugh. But then they weren't even at the church by the time we got there so we had to hunt them down at the Brooklyn bridge park where they do finding and dragged them to our car to get their stuff haha. They owe us big time haha just kidding we love to help.

Saturday: We had the branch party today and all the missionaries were freaking out because every single party goes down in flames but I'm happy to report that no cops were called, no fire alarms were pulled, and no one was thrown out of the party due to them not bringing food so we say it was a pretty successful party haha. But that what we did all day.....

Sunday: well none of our investigators came to church except for the one from upstate but we found out today that she is going back up state for good and won't be able to travel down to the city anymore so she's gone now :( boo. Our branch president also pulled us aside during Sunday school and said a member "cough cough our investigators boyfriend cough cough" said were being to pushy on our investigator. But in all reality we couldn't be more relaxed and timid with her unless we completely stopped teaching her. Oh and earlier in the week she asked us for money for her flight to the Dominica republic so that was super awkward..... So at the end of this week we only have two
investigators and only one of them is actually progressing haha. Heaven help us, we're going to need it. Oh also we called our one solid investigator to have a lesson because she was super sick but we asked her if her fiancé was interested and she asked him right there! Haha but turns out he's interested so now we get to teach them as a family ❤️ there were little tender mercies this week which am so grateful for.

All in all no matter how absolutely awful this week was there is always going to be better weeks. And let's face it, this next week can't possibly get any worse than this last week haha. I hope I didn't just jinx that.... Well sister provard and I are still hanging in there and are still smiling so that's a good sign right? We for sure count our blessings with the people we still do have! And at least we know we're not alone in this work, we know we have angels surrounding us everyday and that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are right there watching over us. Anyways, hope you all have a wonderful eek and are all staying safe :) love and miss you all so much!!

Love, Sister Seay

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